Sunday, November 1, 2009

** Happy Halloween! ** A collage of my day!

 ~*~ BoOooOoOoOoO! ~*~

My friend Josh and me. I made my costume out of a cheap white sheet.. some green and gold Christmas ribbon.. and an old broach my grandmother gave me. A bit  of quick sewing and my costume came out quite well!

For makeup I used a lot of bronzer.. greens and golds for shadows.. and some fluttery lashes.

Me and my hubby on the train to Manheim ... Josh made my Banana Republic Cardigan and necklace hot. He was by far a hot chick lol

We had very little selection for decorating so I pretty much made mine.. Trash bag ghosts and a felt spider! Good thing I already had a "morgue" sign! :)

Hope you all had a VERY Happy Halloween!
Steena the Grecian goddess

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