Ok, I'm a nut.. But coloring fondant.. (or one GIGANTIC
marshmallow blob) is
SOOO much fun! (To avoid the massive amount of work that follows, read the bottom of my post for quick coloring instructions)

First, knead the fondant to soften it up..
I usually lay it out in one big strand and then fold it in half..

(Um.. why do I have a fart face on?)
Next, add the color in and continue to fold in
halves while mixing and kneading. I just keep making the fondant in one big string and folding it into
each other until the color starts to blend..

now the color is coming through..

Almost done!

Here is the final blob.. It really reminds me of '
Slimer' from
Ghostbusters... or a huge snot?.. Guess we'll stick you something less gross


"Who will I get to clean this mess??....
Mikkkkkkeee!! "
Quick coloring instructions-
Microwave your marshmallows... Once they reach the melted stage (and before adding powder sugar) add your food coloring. Blend the color into the melted marshmallow until desired color is achieved and then add powdered sugar and knead with shortening as usual. This will save your hands and arms SOOO much extra work! ;0)