Friday, April 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I think I have the flu.. ?? But yeah. My weekend was great. The retreat was full up, BUT we made our own and had a great time.. Went to Raleigh Saturday night .. wow did we come across a BAD accident!! It was about 12 am on 95 when we saw a Jeep flipped on the side of the road. Two people were inside and thank God they both had seat belts on!! It's the only reason they could walk away from that. The girl just had a bad seat belt cut on her chest.. but the guy was banged up pretty bad.. his head had a couple deep gashes.. and his arm had a rather deep cut also... so there was a lot of blood. Rescue team got there quick.. high five to that! Anyways.. glad that they were ok.. and glad we didn't end up in the mix.. Alright,, I REALLY need to get some work done today lol.... So I'm outta here!
--Steena <3
Friday, April 18, 2008
The Trip to Georgia aka--the middle of NOWHERE!!
I swear there were random stop signs in the middle of the woods on these dirt roads to nowhere... and random railings.. as if we weren't 'off-roading' enough! Guess that's how they do it in Georgia?!!!
There were a few funny highlights to the trip. We all decided to have some sort of facial hair when we left Burger King. Which explains my picture above. Janette had a 3 piece stash and soul patch... and Mari- a handle bar with a soul patch. YEP,, it was *pretty* stinkin awesome!
Umm.. OH YEAH.. there was another point were we hit some road kill lol.. Mari scared the CRAP out of me and Jnizz.. OMG! We thought we were gonna die! and I totally jumped up in my seat with my feet in the air.. like the dead animal carcass was ACTUALLY going to come through the car and get my feet lol.... I dunno.. guess a 10 car ride can make ya a little looney!
Welp.. that's about it for now..
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I'm starting a baby section..
or just different ideas I have so that I can look back when that time comes and have a portfolio of my thoughts.
Here's the new link!! it's under my links also if you wanna click! :)
Gosh... Not quite Friday
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
My summer shoe pick.. :)
Here's what it says,,,
Ps... Did I mention I bought a new car this weekend also?!!! I'll be sure to post some pictures later :)
Bat face girl..
So this little baby had been sitting about two feet off the ground on our wall outside for TWO DAYS. Some people thought it was dead.. but if you got close you could see it moving and breathing. We kinda thought maybe the random cold weather was making it hibernate or something... regardless, something must have been wrong for it to be that close to the ground. Any cat could have eaten it. Maybe it was just young and dumb?? (or sick!!!! ewww)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
This is the cake I made in less than a day!!! lmao. It doesn't look great, but It was a good day of figuring some stuff out and getting ideas on what to change. Notice the canned icing in the back lol.. I definitely need to plan on a lot of frosting!!!! At least I had backup!!! :) Plus.. I didn't think I needed to make a lot since I figured fondant would cover! How was I supposed to know the fondant would go nuts?!!! lol
Also, the fondant turned out horrible today!! I guess cause I made it WAYYYYY to fast and it had zero time to sit. I also used a cheaper quality sugar.. NOOOO skimping! lol. I'll have to probably make 3 batches to cover the whole cake. (and since the fondant wasn't geat today.. I just covered the top layer and frosted the bottom sections.)
I got to try out my new shimmer today! I only bought pink.. but I mixed it in with a strawberry extract and it turned out really *pretty*.. I just brushed it on the top a bit and on a few flowers. It also gave a nice berry sweet smell to the cake.
I made devils food cake with a raspberry filling. My whole house smelled SOOOoOOOOoo chocolaty! :) Overall, the experience was good considering time constraints. Now I know what I need to have on hand or prepare for next time. (Like.. 8 billion Twilight Zone episodes! lol I swear I watched all of them!)
Until next attempt!
-Steena :)