Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!!
I just want to post a quick blog wishing you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Happy Holidays Ya'll!
(Hopefully I'll have some pictures later.. and maybe I can post some on my handbags!)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Good Morning!
For now (while I'm freezing my butt off) I'll just post the project I was working on the other
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Might be a different design.. but that's the gist of it! Anywho, Check out their blog... I'm going back to dancing around my desk! :)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
UFC Fight... Extravaganza!!!!
Here's a shot of the crowd before ... it was packed by the 2nd fight. Talk about HOT and smelly!! lol. The craziest part of the night was Corey hill breaking his leg.. I swear he just kicked is opponent and his leg snapped in half like a spaghetti noodle.. (I'm still gagging) You tube has some videos I'm sure. I was forced to watch the slow-mo replays over and over at the fight, lol, so I'm good.. no more for me!
It was def a romantic night of blood and violence... haha jk Maybe next time we can do dinner and a movie instead? :0P
Monday, December 15, 2008
I'll be posting plenty of updates today.. on hand bags.. UFC... and everything else I've been up to!
What do you find yourself being caught up in around this time of year?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving 2008!
Anyways! On to what we've all come here for! What did Christina do for Thanksgiving this year?
Well, of course I stuffed myself full of delicious food, BUT more importantly, I was filled with joy. I got up super early on Thursday and met up with my parents to go feed the needy. I could have done away with eating completely that day. The feeling I got from helping others was good enough. Here are some pics---- (gotta love the camera phone and overexposure... lol)
The meals were all ready to go by 11am.. They were made at a church down the street and brought to the rescue mission for passing out. From what I saw, it looked like a nice selection of food. Each person got a meal, some fruit, a drink, and some sort of dessert.
Yum.. Vitamin water... lol jk... I'm really not a big fan of it.. But then again.. I guess I'd be glad to have anything if I was without.
Mom and dad. They are two of the most kind hearted people I know.. They definitely passed along their 'giving' heart. They raised me to appreciate everything I've been blessed with and to help those less fortunate.
With the economy the way it is right now... you never know if you're a heartbeat away from trading places with the people you help.
There were a lot of young people helping out. I think it's a beautiful thing to see young people making a difference. They are the future.
This is my favorite picture of them all. See that arrow? Well, the arrow is not important. It's the children that arrow is pointing at that make it all worth it.
The little boy in the picture kept picking out shoes and laying them by his sister's feet to see if they 'fit' lol.. It was the cutest... He wasn't concerned at all about what HE was going to get.. but more which shoes would look pretty on his sister. He'd grab the glittery shoes, put them by her feet, then put them back. Next, the pink ones and so on. *sigh* oh the petty things we take for granted. If you look at the little girl now you'll see her on her pink bike.. see it? Well, that bike was about 8x too small.. but she was so appreciative and in love with that pretty pink bike. She entrusted me to 'guard' it for her while she ate lol.. It was my pleasure.
I'm so glad it was warm out.. Unfortunately, it wont be that way for much longer, which is why everyone was allowed to grab a blanket from the stack. I usually sleep with two blankets at night, but as of now, I will be donating one to keep someone else warm this holiday.
Here my parents are walking over to check out the men's shelter.... sadly, there isn't much left. It burnt down and now many are back on the street this winter.
I'm so thankful this year for all my many blessings. I'm thankful for a wonderful family, a life full of happiness, and the drive to give back.
Hope you all have a great day!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Terrrrrrific Tuesday!!!
I saw this fabric at Joann and thought 'That would be *perfect* for her blanket!'
Alright, back to work for me.. I'll probably be back to write some more later since everyone has left me.. and I'm @ work forever today :)
Friday, November 21, 2008
A tisket a tasket.. there's too much junk in my basket!
- I've gotta RSVP for the Christmas party @ work
- I have Christmas cards to write up and mail off
- I have FIVE handbag orders to make for Christmas
- And finally (which sums up everything else) I have a billion other small projects to complete!!!!!! lol
I DO have a sneak peak for you though,...
OMG! This is what boredom will do to ya!! lol
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Pens pens pens
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ok.. Now if I could only make about 20 more lol
This is the newest addition to my collection of creations... Once I got the hang of things it took maybe an hour to finish.. Next time.. I'd say I could do it in about 30 mins.. :)
I chose a nice soft baby flannel.. with a little stretch to it ;0) I figured this pattern could be unisex.. so it was perfect!
First, I cut out my pieces of fabric (yay for camera phone pictures lol)
Next, I sewed the sleeves onto the front and back panels.
Now you sew from the bottoms of each sleeve, down and around each leg, and then to the other sleeve bottom.
I wanted to neaten things up, so I made a nice 1/2 inch seam on each side of the front panel opening.
Look how much better it's looking... "Can I get a partial 'aaawwwwweee' now??"
After we've got this cutie looking somewhat decent, we need to add some elastic to the sleeves, snappies to the front, and a collar!
Cut out a wider opening where the neck goes ... whatever you think looks comfortable.. (I have to guess without a baby model around to measure lol)
Finally, You can sew on your snappies! Since, I don't have a baby to measure, I simply sewed on one snappy for now just to close it up temporary. If, you have a baby around, you could measure the fit a little better and add about 4 or 5 onto it to close it up